How to contact us

The Lord's Larder:

Any request for food parcels must be by agencies only. Any requests made by individuals will not be actioned. All individuals need to make contact with an agency, like Citizens Advice, and the agency will make the request on your behalf. 

If you are not in contact with an agency then arrange an appointment with

Citizens Advice on Tel No. 0808 278 7842  between 10am - 2pm Mon - Fri to seek help.

The Lord's Larder operates with our volunteer team Monday - Friday 10am - 12pm, any phone request after 12pm will be actioned the next working day. Please do not e-mail any requests for food parcels, always use the dedicated phone line telephone number below.

Telephone Lord's Larder

 agencies can call the number below 24/7 and leave a message of your parcel request, which will be actioned the next working day, Mon- Fri, food parcels are made available to collect between 10am - 2pm from the Gateway Reception, BA20 1QN. - please include your name and contact no. so we can return your call on our answer machine: -

 Tel: 01935 726576


To contact the Operations Manager re other matters


Post Mail: FAO Mr. M. Callaghan, YCST Operations Manager, The Lord's Larder Food Bank, c/o The Gateway, Addlewell Lane,

Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1QN.




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