The Lord's Larder


The Lord’s Larder Food Bank is a local ‘bank’ of non-perishable in life ambient food operated by volunteers from churches in and around Yeovil.

It began in a small way in 1991 when a representative of Yeovil Citizens’ Advice Bureau spoke about the need for emergency food to  members of one of the churches in Yeovil. It is now supplied by over 60 local churches, 45 schools and several community groups.

Last year in 2023, over 170,000 items of food were given out via 70 different agencies to help over 9,600 local people, (5,600 adults and 4,000 children.)


How the Larder Works

  • Food and money are donated throughout the year by local churches, businesses, schools and other charities.
  • Volunteers sort, & store all donations of food in a purpose built larder.
  • Requests for food are made by phone through recognized agencies, who then collect parcels to hand on to their clients.
  • Emergency food parcels are made up by the volunteers, according to need.

(Please note: We do not supply food to individuals on direct request to the Lord’s Larder Food Bank, only via an agency, if you need a food parcels please see our How do I get a food parcel page.)


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